It's really important that you make a note of the dimensions of the furniture you're ordering to check that it will fit where you want it. If your furniture doesn't fit, it will be classed as a cancelled order and you will incur costs as set out in our terms and conditions.
The delivery service is to the address that has been agreed. Most customers request that the delivery is positioned within their home. If you require this service then you must ensure there is adequate access to your entry door and to the room selected. The customer becomes responsible for any damage to the item or the property once entry is made.
Our delivery team will unpack and position your furniture upon your request.
Please inspect your items carefully and then sign for the furniture. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, please inform the delivery team before signing. Please make sure that a responsible adult is available to receive and sign for the delivery.
If you are unable to accept the delivery offered or you wish us to hold your order for a period of time, we can provide a storage service at a cost of up to £20 per week.